I've been going nonstop since I've returned from the Arctic, making new work and traveling for exhibitions. I've finished my first piece from this year's Arctic trip (which required a few all nighters to complete in time for the Miami art fairs). It will be shown with Conner Contemporary Art at Pulse Art Fair .
These images are from my new piece titled "In the Cold Edge."

My video from last year, Fade to White will also be there as part of a curated program titled "Pulse Play ". Todd Smith, director of the Tampa Art Museum (where my mid-career survey show will open next year) curated the program. My new NASCAR video will also be in Miami at Winkleman Gallery as part of the new fair/exhibition "Seven".

All this activity has made it difficult to upload my journal from the Arctic. "Bear" with me ... it will come, but in the meanwhile check out my roommate from the Noorderlicht's blog. Urszula Dawkins is a beautifully lyrical writer that does justice to the region and experience that I never could. Her blog is http://urszuladawkins.blog.com/. I couldn't recommend a better read!