After a couple days of travel, I'm finally back in the Arctic! I left NYC on Tuesday, and arrived in Oslo Wednesday morning. My amazing friend and roommate from last years trip, Katja, flew from Stockholm to spend the day with me. We visited gallerys, museums, and the opera house, but most of all we got to catch up. Katja and I became each others assistants and collaborrators last year. It was great to start off this trip with her feedback and perspective on my project for this year.

An artist and friend from NYC, Hanneline (who is Norweigen) is spending half a year in Oslo. She kindly invited Katja and me to join her and her daughter for dinner. She made an amazing risotto with chanterelle mushrooms that she picked herself in the Norweigen forest.

Speaking of food, I got on the plane this morning for my flight north and Anna, our cook on the Noorderlicht from last year, was a couple rows behind me! To say I'm happy that she will be on board again this year would be an understatement. I spent the flight dreaming about her cinnamon buns and rack of lamb.